Monday, February 21, 2011

4 month appointment

Today was Robbie's 4 month appointment. Of course, we were dreading it because it meant another round of shots. Poor Robbie, but he did very well. We were proactive this time and brought the Tylenol with us to give him before he got his shots.

We were not surprised to hear the doctor say that he looks "super". He weighs 18 lbs, 8.5 oz (95%), he is 25.75 in long (75%) and his head circumference is 42.5 cm (50%). The doctor was happy that he is in the same percentile range for weight (not that he could go up much higher!!) and he went up in the height range. She said that we can start him on solid foods in the next month or so. I wasn't thinking about starting him on solids until he is 6 months, so we'll see what we end up doing.

The doctor also gave us tips on getting him to sleep through the night and said that he doesn't need to wake up to eat. We have started keeping track of his daily activities, so I do think that it is just routine for him to wake up at night. I don't think anyone would say that they like getting up at night, but at least I don't have to get up for work in the morning. We'll keep working with him. I'm not expecting overnight success, but hopefully soon we'll all be getting uninterrupted sleep.

Here are a few pictures we took this weekend:


Anonymous said...

He is really growing!! And getting cuter all the time.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I think Robbie really looks like Matt in the "Smiles!" picture. And that's mean to make him do chubby! He didn't look like he liked it at all