Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Robbie tells a story

Robbie is becoming quite the talker. I had just been taking pictures of him smiling, so I had the camera ready to catch him talking. When he was talking for a while I started taking a video of it. Sorry you have to hear me! The music in the background is his play mat. (Polly, you should recognize it...or you will soon!) He likes the music and the lights. After I took the video I watched it again and Robbie didn't like hearing another baby!

When I started uploading the video, Juliet started meowing. I'm guessing she was by the garage door wanting to go out even though the cats aren't supposed to go in the garage. Robbie started whining, so I took a video of the two of them. We have been told that Robbie sounds like a cat, so maybe he was just acting like one! :)

Here are the pictures I was taking of Robbie smiling.


Loving Mommyhood said...

Oh my! I want to eat him! Not really, but he is SO cute and the talking....I miss those days. Now, I here "Mommy, what's that" 368 times a day.

Kelli said...

What an angel! I was going to say that "I could just eat him up", but someone already beat me to it.

He's adorable Val!