Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Robbie is 3 months old!

Where has the time gone? I feel like Robbie is more than 3 months old, but not in a bad way (like the time is just dragging on). I think it's because we have been so busy since his birth day with the holidays and traveling.

Robbie loves to smile and he's become quite the talker lately. It's very cute! I think he's trying to laugh, too. He still has fun on his play mat, but he doesn't like the swing or bouncy seat any more. Robbie is really looking around and taking in his surroundings now. As I said in the last post, he slept 7 hours at my parent's house. That has yet to be repeated, but it's only been a few days!! We're still up twice at night, though my dad said that when his second feeding is at 6 am that doesn't count as night any more. It does to me because I go back to bed!

This morning was the first time I saw him look like Matt. Pretty much everyone has said that he looks at Matt and I never saw it, but just the way he had his head turned I knew he was Matt's baby (not that there was ever any doubt!).

We go next month for his next appointment, so we'll get his weight and height then. Robbie is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but there are fewer and fewer that he can fit into. I've got the 3-6 month clothes out, but I feel like they are so big. The true 3 month clothes are the best, but we don't have very many of them.

Here's a video I took of him watching his mobile. You can tell he's really watching the animals.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you - 6AM is definitely night time!! Besides, it's still dark and dark = night.

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I love his overalls!