Wednesday, May 27, 2009

School Agreement

It's been a short, but sad, work week. Word got out that there was going to be another round of faculty cuts Tuesday afternoon. They let a first grade teacher (and my friend), a sixth grade teacher, and a computer teacher go. We have about 115 less students enrolled for next year than we had enrolled this year and we are still 55 students down from what they have budgeted for next year. I have no idea where else they would make cuts, and I am so glad that it is not my job to do it. We found out today that we might have to teach 6 classes next year and only have 1 planning period. The good news is that I did get an agreement to work next year. They no longer call them contracts, but I think that changed last year. I have no idea if my salary changes next year, because the only time I see how much I make is when I sign the yearly agreements. God has been faithful in the the times of 1 salary, so I know we will be ok. Tomorrow is my last day before my summer break officially starts. I really only have to turn in my school computer and sign out my classroom keys. I have no plans to go up to school this summer, so I really don't need my keys, but I like to have them just in case!


Anonymous said...

We're glad you still have a job but it is sad when so many are losing theirs. Enjoy your summer and we'll see you soon. :)

Kelli said...

Aw, congrats on a great year of teaching science Val! That is sad to hear of the job losses, but it is a blessing that you still have yours. Have a wonderful summer and get in lots of R and R.