Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Matt and I had a nice long Easter weekend due to my Good Friday and "Lucky Monday" days off and Matt's unemployment. We headed down to St. Pete Friday morning and drove straight to the nursing home where my grandma is. My mom was already there. Poor grandma was so tired because she had just finished her rehab and pretty much went straight to sleep, so the 3 of us headed to Burger King because mom hadn't eaten and then we sat outside at the nursing home and visited while grandma slept. We stayed while grandma had dinner, then mom headed to meet the rest of the family for a Good Friday service and Matt and I headed to his mom's house. Poor Barbara had a long week at school, so we enjoyed Papa John's pizza and HGTV.

Saturday morning we headed to my parent's house to see my parents and Jonathan's family. I was not happy that Mia kept calling me Lisa, though. It's understandable, though. After lunch (gyros from Athenian Gardens) we headed to Matt's dad's house. They had flown Brittany down for the weekend. It was nice to see her again. Jim and Jean gave us a nice Easter basket, which was great, especially because it was our only one. Jean had a great dinner planned and we had fun sitting and talking (though I'm still not sure if Matt and Jim finished their conversation).

Sunday morning I went to church with my parents while Matt spent time with his mom. After church, mom and I went to see my grandma again. This time we caught her before her rehab, so she was more awake. Grandma asked us to stay while she did her therapy, and we got to see her taking a few steps. Grandma still needs a lot of support from her therapist while out of her chair, but he had her walk about 5 feet. The goal is for grandma to be able to go back to assisted living. She still has a way to go, though.

Mom and I headed to the Woodson's house for Easter lunch. A highlight was the new kids table! I think there was a debate as to which table Jill belonged to. :) The afternoon flew by and soon we were back at Matt's mom's house for sloppy joe's with the family. It was a busy day, but we just love getting to see everyone and visiting, even for just a short time.

We decided to take the scenic route home, though we did cheat a little. We took I4 across the state and then up A1A. It was fun driving along the coast and there are a lot of homes to admire. We drove by Matt's new office building. It's brand new and looks nice from the outside.

On a totally different note, I just wrote my last car payment for a long time!!


Kayleigh and Brian said...

Whew! You had a lot going on. I guess when Erik and I go back to St Pete we'll be Val and Matt again. Poor girl will never get it straight until we start visiting at the same time!
I'm sad that Kayleigh wasn't there to hang out at the kids' table. I can't believe there are enough kids to have their own table again!!

Kayleigh and Brian said...

And yahoo for no more car payments!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know you have a lot of family to see when you're down here but we love every minute we spend with you both. :)