Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe that 2008 is over. It was a good year. We don't have plans for the new year and we have a joint resolution to keep the house clean. So far so good!

Last night we went to our friend's house and hung out and played video games. Matt held our friends baby until she fell asleep. Too cute. She woke up when Matt handed her off to her dad, but she seemed happy to be awake with everyone around. We didn't stay until midnight because Matt had to go in to work today to launch their new program. We didn't even stay up until midnight here.

I was surprised when Matt said tomorrow is Friday. I really thought tomorrow was only Thursday. These 2 weeks off have gone by quickly and I'm never ready to go back to work. I'll just have to keep enjoying these last 3 days!

Matt and the baby

1 comment:

Kayleigh and Brian said...

Boo to going back to work.