Thursday, April 24, 2008

What a week!

I am so glad that I decided to go down to Ft. Lauderdale for my abuela's funeral. It was definitely hard at times, but it was also great to see family. My abuelo has a lot of wonderful people that care about him, and I don't know if I ever saw that growing up. Of course, it's hard to see what others lives are like when you just spend a week or two a year with them.

Tuesday was a rough day at school. I certainly kept my students on their toes wondering when the waterworks were going to turn on! The day was made easier with all of the wonderful teachers that I work with. I love my job! Things have been much better since then, and I am looking forward to our half day tomorrow and the weekend. It's another busy one, but it's ok. Summer's right around the corner! :)


Kayleigh and Brian said...

Half day?!?!?! That's some boo!
You gotta love the whole crying in front of your kids bit. Were they extra quiet? You gotta take advantage of it while you can! :)

Anonymous said...

ALL teachers are counting the days til the year is over.

Anonymous said...
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