Friday, August 23, 2013

Alex is 18 months!!!!

I can't believe my sweet baby is 18 months old!  He is just a little man of adorableness with all of his smiles.  He loves to give high-5s, too.  It's so cute!  He has his check up on Tuesday and while we were waiting for the doctor he pointed to his diaper and said "diaper" and pointed to his shoes and said "shoes"!  His vocabulary is picking up, but he doesn't say much compared to how much Robbie talks, but he gets his point across.  Wednesday we went to Publix and I had my water bottle in the diaper bag and Alex did the sign for water for the first time.  Ok, it was Alex's version of the sign for water, but, again, he got his point across! :)  As we were leaving the gym this morning, Alex walked to the end of the sidewalk and stood with his hand up waiting for me to help him step down.  It was so cute!

Alex is 23 lbs, 14.5 oz (50%) and 31.75 in (25%).  I have thought that he looks shorter than Robbie was, but only 1.25 in.  I guess when you're that small even an inch makes a big difference!

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