Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alex's 1 year check up

Alex's 1 year check up was this morning.  Matthew took some time off work this morning so he could stay home with Robbie.  Here is the conversation Robbie and I had when I was getting ready:

R: Mommy, where are you going?
Me: I have to take Alex to the doctor for a check up.
R: I want to go to the doctor!  I need clothes! (He was still in his pajamas.)

I ended up taking Robbie, too, and Matthew got to go to work earlier than planned.  It was fine having both kids until the nurse called us back to the room.  As soon as we headed back Robbie sat on the floor crying.  Another nurse took Alex so I could pick up Robbie.  He did much better once we got in the room.  I had to undress Alex so the nurse could weigh him and after the nurse left Robbie kept telling me to put Alex's clothes back on.  (Alex needed to stay diaper only until the doctor saw him.)  When the doctor did come in, both of the boys wanted to sit in my lap which wasn't too easy with them squirming around.  Alex checked out great and is a happy, healthy, growing boy!  He had to get 3 shots today, which he didn't like, but I was thankful Robbie stayed in his chair while I held Alex as he got his shots.  Alex fell asleep on the way home and took a good nap this morning.  I'm not surprised at all that he did!

Alex's 1 year stats:
Height - 29.5 inches ( <50 p="">
Weight - 20 lbs 15.5 oz ( >25% )
Head circumference: 47 cm (I have no idea what the doctor wrote!)

Here is the year of Alex (in pictures):

1 week:

1 month:

2 months:

3 months:

4 months:

5 months:

6 months:

7 months:

8 months:

9 months:

10 months:

11 months:

1 year!

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