Thursday, January 17, 2013

Alex is 11 months!!!!!!!!!!!I

I've been thinking about Alex's birthday next month and it totally slipped my mind that he turned 11 months yesterday!  I don't think I've missed a monthly birthday, though we have forgotten to take a picture or post a blog.  Matthew reminded me tonight.  I have been thinking this week how big Alex is getting.  I noticed it the first time Tuesday when I picked him up from the Kid Zone at the YMCA.  We think he's been going through a growth spurt, but even if he isn't he looks extra long lately.

I am certain that Alex is going to be walking soon.  He is doing so much better holding your hands and walking, he loves walking behind his walker toy, he's starting to stand unsupported for a couple of seconds, and this week we've seen him sort of take steps, though they may have just been his feet moving so he doesn't fall.

Alex and Robbie truly seem to love each other and being with each other (maybe not all of the time, though).  If Robbie hears Alex wake up from a nap he runs for Alex's room (and sometimes before Alex is awake) and vice versa.  Robbie still needs to learn that he can't be as rough with Alex as we are with Robbie, but I know the wrestling is coming soon.  Alex likes to do what Robbie is doing, too, which usually irks Robbie.  We're definitely working on sharing and playing together.

Alex is weaning himself off of the pacifier.  I don't know why, but I'm not going to question it!  He can also kind of whistle because he'll pucker up and blow (just like Jimminy said to do!), but I don't know if he realizes that he's doing it and it's pretty quiet.

I don't know if you can tell from the pictures, but Alex gets cuter every month! :)

1 week

1 month

 2 months

3 months

4 months

 5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

 11 months

Have you seen the "I'm a Daddy and I Know it" video?  Even if you have, watch it again.

It quickly became known as the "Daddy Song" and if you did watch it/have seen it, they show some of the kids jumping in the bed, which resulted in this:

You probably can't tell in the video, but Alex really likes to jump in bed with Robbie.  I'm glad they have fun, though I'm not thrilled with them jumping in the bed.

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