Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Robbie is 20 months!!!!!!!!

Wow, now Alex is 1/3 of a year old and Robbie is 1 2/3 years old! I think we're going to have a talker on our hands! We're working on ABC's and counting to 5 (though Matthew goes up to 10 with him). He's really good at telling us what an animal says. I think he just gets cuter by the day!

The other day Robbie was eating lunch and I didn't realize how tired he was. I had gotten up to do something and came back to do his sleeping head bobbing. I tried to take away the bread stick that he was eating, but he cried when I did that. He ended up finishing the bread stick before I took him to bed.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's that old. If I was that tired I'd let ya have the breadstick!! At what age do kids ever want to nap cause they're tired?

Kayleigh and Brian said...

I'm sure the soothing music didn't help much, either!