Sunday, September 12, 2010

Single Digits!!!

Today I am 31 weeks into this pregnancy, which means I only have 9 weeks left. Technically I could go 11 more weeks because my doctor's office will let me go 2 weeks after the due date, but I'm REALLY hoping that won't happen!! These weeks have gone by very quickly. Both Matt and I have said that we thought November was a long time away when we first found out and now it's just around the corner. November is a big birthday month for my family and it's fun to add another name to the calendar.

I went to the library Friday to pick up a couple of books and went over to the baby section and picked up a few books on baby development. Today one of the girls in Sunday school was talking about videos that she got from the library about labor and delivery which helped her feel more prepared for hers, so of course I came home and put a bunch on hold. (A lot of the videos are at the main library downtown, but I was just reading online about how the downtown library is a common hangout for homeless people and that just does not make me want to go down there.) Hopefully the videos will make their way to the library branch much closer to us soon!

We have also done 2 out of 3 preparing for childbirth classes. We have learned a lot already. This week they are going to talk about postpartum and bringing home baby. Then next week we do the hospital tour and preregister for the delivery.

And if you haven't heard I only have 3 weeks of work left! I told my principal last week that Matt and I decided that October 1st would be my last day. He said that the person they wanted to hire is now available (whatever that means) and he wants to get the new teacher in soon. I'm hoping that means he'll be hired this week and teaching next week. I really don't have much (if any) say in what goes on, though, but it is nice to know that my teaching days are limited. Plus this Friday is a half day and next Friday I'm taking off for the Eikelands' visit. If you are counting (and I am!), that means only 13 1/2 teaching days left!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't read too much on the internet and don't listen to anybody with horror stories!!
I never thought of a Thanksgiving baby. :)